Brno is doing good here and it sounds like everybody is doing well at home. So the weather this week was pretty crazy it would snow for like 10 minutes and than be sunny and warm for 10 minutes and then snow some more which got kind of annoying after a while but other than that things are great.
We had a zone flood in Trebic which is this little town up in the mountains in our zone that only has 2 missionaries in it which was fun, it is nice to go out and see different cities in the czech republic they are all unique and have their own little feel to them.
So i was talking to Adam and he was telling me how he wouldnt be able to come to church on sunday and i was like why? And he was like there is this gathering of young christians from around the czech republic this weekend and i am doing a presentation there, i asked him what his presentation was about and he said the Book of Mormon so that is pretty sweet i got pretty excited about that so i am looking forward to hearing about how that went.
We went to visit our family in the mountains, i had given them president monson's talk finding joy in the journey from conference and they liked it and she went on to read the rest of the conference and loved the talk about celestial marriage and got really excited talking to her husband about how they can be married even after death, then she was like say i wanted to get baptized what would i need to do? So we explained it out to them and they are looking pretty good. She is a choir director and had a concert over the weekend and gave us tickets so we went and supported her, it was in the philharmonie concert hall in brno which is this sweet old building and it was a good time they were very happy that we came, they were like we love how you take us for who we are and dont judge us like other people.
We were contacting on the namesti the other night and i heard this southern accent, there were only drunks out so we were like lets go talk to the americans. They turn out to be from alabama and were here on vacation and were really interested about who we are and what we are doing here. They were like we are baptists whats the differnce between us and mormons so we explained our beliefs and they were like that sounds pretty good to us, then they went off about how great it is that we are bringing these heathen czechs God and at the end they were like we will be praying for you boys good luck with everything, so that was a great little experience.
Sports day was good this week we were able to get a bunch of our investigators and less actives there and play volleyball and soccer and right before that we had a great meeting with Andrej who brought his mom with us and he shared about how he used to study really hard for all of us his tests but after he started meeting with us he started praying before his tests for help and he has started doing a lot better, his mom called it a miracle.
So next monday i will be writing you about where i am going for next transfer which is always interesting to see how transfers work out they are always what is unexpected so who knows what will happen.
It sounds like mexico and whale watching and the billy joel concert was fun for you guys im glad everything went well with the flying all over the place. I love all of you guys and have a great week.
Elder Hatch
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
March 25, 2009
Hey everybody
Brno is doing good here it has been another busy week here. Here is a funny story for you, so last monday after emailing i needed a haircut so i went to a place to go get it cut. I hadnt been to a haircutting place since my greeny transfer since elder nowland cut my hair and then elder williams, so my haircutting vocabulary isnt too up to date, and to help matters the girl cutting my hair is from russia and spoke half czech half russian so i could only understand half of what she was saying, basically i just told her i wanted it trimmed up all around and somehow that got lost in translation and she understood it as i wanted a fauxhawk. So she cuts my hair into this emo fauxhawk thing and then throws a bunch of jell in it and styles it up, and i was like shoot what am i going to do. So i paid her and walked out and then hurried and tried to get rid of my fauxhawk i was able to brush it to the side so it looked normal and then with a few modifications at home i was able to make it into a normal haircut but it made for some good laughs, i wish i would of gotten a picture before i had fixed it though.
We had zone conference on friday which was great, always a good experience to see other missionaries and hear from president and his wife. Later that night there were two baptisms at the building that was a good experience we were able to get one of our investigators too, he had previously been anti church (a lot of people here are) they say that we can just have our own individual relationship with God and that churches just do bad stuff. But he changed his mind at the baptism and was like you guys do stuff right here this feels good this is how churches should be so we will see what happens with him.
The senior couples here do apartment checks once a transfer and we had ours last tuesday so i cleaned up our apartment nice and good and it passed with flying colours so don't worry mom i'm staying clean.
We were at the building a couple days of go and there were about 6 young guys out back on our basketball court behind the church so we went and played with them for a few minutes in our dress clothes and then got their phone numbers and we set up a sports day on saturday where we had them and some of our investigators come and we played basketball and then soccer, it was a good time to get to know our investigators better outside of a teaching environment.
We had a great meeting on saturday one of the best of my mission with Andrej he is from russia, we watched half of the movie Special Witnesses of Christ and then bore testimony and the spirit was super strong. He had been at church a couple of times before but had been late after sacrament meeting, our member was like where do you live? and Andrej was like its 25 kilometers outside of Brno and our member who is so great was like well i will come drive out there and pick you up and Andrej was like that wont be neccessary i will wake up early and catch the train two hours before that. So he was at church bright and early and i was talking with him and he said he was running late getting to the train station and the train was already there so he started running and for some reason the train stayed a couple of minutes longer than it usually does so he could catch it and he was like I had help from above with that because i would usually never make it.
And then we have a russian family here whoes father is in the branch presidency and their oldest son who is 18 became like best friends with him and helped take him around and sat with him for everything. So I recommend the special witnesses of christ movie to everybody it is my favorite movie i could watch it over and over again. Things are looking good for this next week I hope everybody has a great week and i love you all.
Elder Hatch
Brno is doing good here it has been another busy week here. Here is a funny story for you, so last monday after emailing i needed a haircut so i went to a place to go get it cut. I hadnt been to a haircutting place since my greeny transfer since elder nowland cut my hair and then elder williams, so my haircutting vocabulary isnt too up to date, and to help matters the girl cutting my hair is from russia and spoke half czech half russian so i could only understand half of what she was saying, basically i just told her i wanted it trimmed up all around and somehow that got lost in translation and she understood it as i wanted a fauxhawk. So she cuts my hair into this emo fauxhawk thing and then throws a bunch of jell in it and styles it up, and i was like shoot what am i going to do. So i paid her and walked out and then hurried and tried to get rid of my fauxhawk i was able to brush it to the side so it looked normal and then with a few modifications at home i was able to make it into a normal haircut but it made for some good laughs, i wish i would of gotten a picture before i had fixed it though.
We had zone conference on friday which was great, always a good experience to see other missionaries and hear from president and his wife. Later that night there were two baptisms at the building that was a good experience we were able to get one of our investigators too, he had previously been anti church (a lot of people here are) they say that we can just have our own individual relationship with God and that churches just do bad stuff. But he changed his mind at the baptism and was like you guys do stuff right here this feels good this is how churches should be so we will see what happens with him.
The senior couples here do apartment checks once a transfer and we had ours last tuesday so i cleaned up our apartment nice and good and it passed with flying colours so don't worry mom i'm staying clean.
We were at the building a couple days of go and there were about 6 young guys out back on our basketball court behind the church so we went and played with them for a few minutes in our dress clothes and then got their phone numbers and we set up a sports day on saturday where we had them and some of our investigators come and we played basketball and then soccer, it was a good time to get to know our investigators better outside of a teaching environment.
We had a great meeting on saturday one of the best of my mission with Andrej he is from russia, we watched half of the movie Special Witnesses of Christ and then bore testimony and the spirit was super strong. He had been at church a couple of times before but had been late after sacrament meeting, our member was like where do you live? and Andrej was like its 25 kilometers outside of Brno and our member who is so great was like well i will come drive out there and pick you up and Andrej was like that wont be neccessary i will wake up early and catch the train two hours before that. So he was at church bright and early and i was talking with him and he said he was running late getting to the train station and the train was already there so he started running and for some reason the train stayed a couple of minutes longer than it usually does so he could catch it and he was like I had help from above with that because i would usually never make it.
And then we have a russian family here whoes father is in the branch presidency and their oldest son who is 18 became like best friends with him and helped take him around and sat with him for everything. So I recommend the special witnesses of christ movie to everybody it is my favorite movie i could watch it over and over again. Things are looking good for this next week I hope everybody has a great week and i love you all.
Elder Hatch
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
March 16th, 2009
Hey guys
So another great week has come and gone here in Brno and there were definitely some memorable events this week with the highlight being Adam's baptism on Saturday and confirmation on Sunday. He is one of the nicest guys i have ever met. So Saturday was another early morning to head on over to the church and get the font filling for the baptism, while we waited on that we sat around watching church history movies and the movie The Testament. Adam had asked me to baptize him so i was super nervous about that going over the prayer in my head all morning. The baptism was scheduled for 12:30 and at 12:20 we were missing Adam, the person giving the opening prayer, the presiding authority from the branch and the person giving the talk so mormon standard time exists in the Czech Republic also :) that caused some stress but everybody showed up in time and it was good. So for the actual baptism itself lets just say that the third times the charm haha luckily Adam is a good sport, the first time he was all the way under but i had a mistake in the prayer i declinated father wrong and said otce instead of otci, then the 2nd time part of his elbow didnt go under but the 3rd time was perfect. When i was talking to him after we had finished changing and before we went back into the chapel i asked him how he felt and he was like i feel so clean and he had the biggest smile on his face, then he asked me if it would be alright if he could get up and bear his testimony and i was like of course and i talked to the branch president who invited him up to bear his testimony. There was a good turnout from the branch to support and he was suprised and asked me what all these people were doing here for the baptism and i said they were here to support and welcome him into the church and he was like wow that is very nice of them to do that.
After the baptism when somebody asked him how he felt he said i feel reborn which was cool. Elder and Sister Woolie the senior couple here invited Adam over for dinner sunday after church and we went over there with him for that, he speaks perfect english so he could communicate with them and he really enjoyed it there and thought it was so nice of them to think of him to invited him for dinner, we talked with him about the Aaronic priesthood after and he is excited to start working for that. He baked a czech cake and gave it to Elder Gagon, Elder Strupp and I as a thank you for helping him to progress towards baptism.
We had interviews with President this last week and it looks like i might be leaving Brno so probably by the end of this week you will want to start sending stuff to the mission home and not to here anymore. Interviews are always a good spiritual boost in the transfer.
One of our progressing investigators Andrej was at the baptism and he really enjoyed it, we had brought a change of clothes and after the baptism we played basketball with him and a bunch of the young members there. It was a fun time and he enjoyed it a lot, he is from Russia but speaks czech and english and there is this family here that just moved from Russia so he was able to talk with them in Russian.
This last week I was on exchanges with Elder Fruehan from Gilbert AZ and i found out that Ukrainian is pretty similiar to czech. They have an investigator from the Ukraine and we were teaching him, he understands czech very well but doesnt speak it too well so there was a member there who served a mission to the Ukraine who would translate for us but i could catch about 30% of it in Ukrainian before the translation.
We watched mountain of the Lord with Lenka and she really enjoyed it, now it is her goal for a temple to be here in the Czech Republic. It was funny because she really doesnt like Germany and didnt want to have to go there to go to the temple. But i was like they count where people come from and the more people that come from the Czech Republic the more likely a temple will be here one day so after that she was like ok im ready to go. We took her over to a members house for dinner on friday who is a family history expert and now they are going to help her with her family history so she is excited about that.
I got the package from Brother Lambson so thank you for all of the goodies they are much appreciated, nothin better than coming home from a long day and having a gordita and some cookies and fudge. Tell Darcy thanks for the ties they are sweet, my tie collection is growing quite large, i think i can go more than a month now without wearing a tie more than once.
Thanks for keeping me updated with everything i hope you all have a good week and that trek will go well good luck with that and everything else.
Elder Hatch
So another great week has come and gone here in Brno and there were definitely some memorable events this week with the highlight being Adam's baptism on Saturday and confirmation on Sunday. He is one of the nicest guys i have ever met. So Saturday was another early morning to head on over to the church and get the font filling for the baptism, while we waited on that we sat around watching church history movies and the movie The Testament. Adam had asked me to baptize him so i was super nervous about that going over the prayer in my head all morning. The baptism was scheduled for 12:30 and at 12:20 we were missing Adam, the person giving the opening prayer, the presiding authority from the branch and the person giving the talk so mormon standard time exists in the Czech Republic also :) that caused some stress but everybody showed up in time and it was good. So for the actual baptism itself lets just say that the third times the charm haha luckily Adam is a good sport, the first time he was all the way under but i had a mistake in the prayer i declinated father wrong and said otce instead of otci, then the 2nd time part of his elbow didnt go under but the 3rd time was perfect. When i was talking to him after we had finished changing and before we went back into the chapel i asked him how he felt and he was like i feel so clean and he had the biggest smile on his face, then he asked me if it would be alright if he could get up and bear his testimony and i was like of course and i talked to the branch president who invited him up to bear his testimony. There was a good turnout from the branch to support and he was suprised and asked me what all these people were doing here for the baptism and i said they were here to support and welcome him into the church and he was like wow that is very nice of them to do that.
After the baptism when somebody asked him how he felt he said i feel reborn which was cool. Elder and Sister Woolie the senior couple here invited Adam over for dinner sunday after church and we went over there with him for that, he speaks perfect english so he could communicate with them and he really enjoyed it there and thought it was so nice of them to think of him to invited him for dinner, we talked with him about the Aaronic priesthood after and he is excited to start working for that. He baked a czech cake and gave it to Elder Gagon, Elder Strupp and I as a thank you for helping him to progress towards baptism.
We had interviews with President this last week and it looks like i might be leaving Brno so probably by the end of this week you will want to start sending stuff to the mission home and not to here anymore. Interviews are always a good spiritual boost in the transfer.
One of our progressing investigators Andrej was at the baptism and he really enjoyed it, we had brought a change of clothes and after the baptism we played basketball with him and a bunch of the young members there. It was a fun time and he enjoyed it a lot, he is from Russia but speaks czech and english and there is this family here that just moved from Russia so he was able to talk with them in Russian.
This last week I was on exchanges with Elder Fruehan from Gilbert AZ and i found out that Ukrainian is pretty similiar to czech. They have an investigator from the Ukraine and we were teaching him, he understands czech very well but doesnt speak it too well so there was a member there who served a mission to the Ukraine who would translate for us but i could catch about 30% of it in Ukrainian before the translation.
We watched mountain of the Lord with Lenka and she really enjoyed it, now it is her goal for a temple to be here in the Czech Republic. It was funny because she really doesnt like Germany and didnt want to have to go there to go to the temple. But i was like they count where people come from and the more people that come from the Czech Republic the more likely a temple will be here one day so after that she was like ok im ready to go. We took her over to a members house for dinner on friday who is a family history expert and now they are going to help her with her family history so she is excited about that.
I got the package from Brother Lambson so thank you for all of the goodies they are much appreciated, nothin better than coming home from a long day and having a gordita and some cookies and fudge. Tell Darcy thanks for the ties they are sweet, my tie collection is growing quite large, i think i can go more than a month now without wearing a tie more than once.
Thanks for keeping me updated with everything i hope you all have a good week and that trek will go well good luck with that and everything else.
Elder Hatch
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Pictures from the Czech Republic
Looking over the Petrov Cathedral in Brno
Jordan in "his" new suit that a Elder who was going home passed onto him.
Monday March 9th, 2009
Hey guys
Another great week has come and gone, it seems like every week just keeps on getting better and better. We will start off with the bad news, I know you guys are getting very fond of "commando girl" and her stories but unfortuanetly there will be a two week break. She left this last week for a 2 week "protection job" in Germany working as a bodyguard for somebody but dont worry she will be back.
Adam is doing awesome we had two meetings with him this last week and he was at church yesterday, he is still looking good for his baptism on saturday. He was telling me at Church yesterday about some bike trail he has done with his friends that goes from Krakow Poland, all through eastern czech republic and ends in Vienna which got me pretty excited to ride a bike in the Czech Republic.
Church was awesome yesterday but very crazy and hectic, we had six investigators at church and there are only 2 of us but fortunatley a couple already had good member friends they could sit with, without us. So we were doin a lot of going back and forth making sure everything was going good but it was more than worth it. Elder Perry made a prophecy a few years ago when he was over europe that the future here is young single adults and that is coming true here. Every one of our investigators at church was a young single adult.
Today we decided to go on a little trip and saw some castles and chatuex's in southern czech republic which was pretty cool. We got some good pictures and it was a good way to relax a little and prepare for this next week. The senior sisters did a presentation sunday after church of the history of the church here in the czech republic which was cool. So do you remember the story you found dad about the son of the district president who got baptized in the middle of the forest at midnight during communism? Well I was able to teach with him this last week, he was district president after his dad and his family basically kept the church together and did all of the missionary work in moravia during communism. He brought a bunch of pictures after church and let us look at them which was cool, there is a lot of good history here. One of our investigators works at a cake store and she hooks us up with all of these good desserts, it was the woman referred to us by Lenka.
So i am pretty sure that missionary work is the most tiring work in the world, every morning when i wake up i swear its the most tired i have ever been in my life, until the next morning. But it is more than worth it to see the progress that is made by these people who you grow to love, I definitely love being a missionary and I highly recommend it to all.
That is about all from me this week we got a meeting in 10 minutes so ill have to cut this a little short. I hope everybody has a good week and make sure to choose the right.
Elder Hatch
Another great week has come and gone, it seems like every week just keeps on getting better and better. We will start off with the bad news, I know you guys are getting very fond of "commando girl" and her stories but unfortuanetly there will be a two week break. She left this last week for a 2 week "protection job" in Germany working as a bodyguard for somebody but dont worry she will be back.
Adam is doing awesome we had two meetings with him this last week and he was at church yesterday, he is still looking good for his baptism on saturday. He was telling me at Church yesterday about some bike trail he has done with his friends that goes from Krakow Poland, all through eastern czech republic and ends in Vienna which got me pretty excited to ride a bike in the Czech Republic.
Church was awesome yesterday but very crazy and hectic, we had six investigators at church and there are only 2 of us but fortunatley a couple already had good member friends they could sit with, without us. So we were doin a lot of going back and forth making sure everything was going good but it was more than worth it. Elder Perry made a prophecy a few years ago when he was over europe that the future here is young single adults and that is coming true here. Every one of our investigators at church was a young single adult.
Today we decided to go on a little trip and saw some castles and chatuex's in southern czech republic which was pretty cool. We got some good pictures and it was a good way to relax a little and prepare for this next week. The senior sisters did a presentation sunday after church of the history of the church here in the czech republic which was cool. So do you remember the story you found dad about the son of the district president who got baptized in the middle of the forest at midnight during communism? Well I was able to teach with him this last week, he was district president after his dad and his family basically kept the church together and did all of the missionary work in moravia during communism. He brought a bunch of pictures after church and let us look at them which was cool, there is a lot of good history here. One of our investigators works at a cake store and she hooks us up with all of these good desserts, it was the woman referred to us by Lenka.
So i am pretty sure that missionary work is the most tiring work in the world, every morning when i wake up i swear its the most tired i have ever been in my life, until the next morning. But it is more than worth it to see the progress that is made by these people who you grow to love, I definitely love being a missionary and I highly recommend it to all.
That is about all from me this week we got a meeting in 10 minutes so ill have to cut this a little short. I hope everybody has a good week and make sure to choose the right.
Elder Hatch
Monday, March 2, 2009
Monday March 2nd, 2009
Hey everybody
Another great week here in Brno has come and gone, yesterday was a really cool day. Kristina (commando girl) was there and I was sitting with her during fast and testimony meeting. As we were sitting there listenting to the testimonys she was really getting into it, during one of the testimonies she turned to me and was like are you understanding all of this? I was like umm not all of it since the guy was speaking fast and i was just trying to piece it together she was like its really important ill translate for you and commenced to tell me the story in english about how the man had a loved one who had died and that it brings peace and joy into his life to know that he will see them again but his sister who is an atheist was really struggling. Kristina was like that is so amazing and then she asked me if she could go up there and say something to everybody, i was a little taken a back and was like sure anybody can go up there and bare their testimony about the gospel. Haha she thought there was a signup list to go up there but i told her she could go up as soon as the person finished. She hopped on up their and talked about in her field of work she often has to deal with unpleasent experiences and she is very grateful for having found the gospel and being able to come to church and fill the peace there. She went on to talk about the commandments and how she knows they arent to keep us from having fun but to make us happier and then went on to say how grateful she is for the missionaries finding her. It was quite a pleasent surprise to hear all of that exspecially since we had a big concern about teaching her some of the commandments. Afterwards she told me that at one of the disco places where she works as a bouncer, the bouncer the night before had gotten stabbed and had to go to the hospital so she had to go in and take his place and then she had a knife pulled on her but she "took care of it" and had worked from midnight till 8 in the morning then had a friend take her and drop her off at church, thats what i call dedication.
We went out yesterday to our family the ptakovi and this time instead of a tromp through the snow it was a tromp through the mud but was well worth it. We had an awesome lesson with them, its only the 3rd family i have had the opportunity of teaching and its amazing how much stronger the spirit is present when teaching families, they definetly have all of their priorities in order and are searching for their answer right now. Adam is doing great and is gonna be baptized march 14th.
Another cool story, so one of our investigators that elder gagon and I found last transfer just got back in town after being gone for 3 weeks and was only in town for a few minutes before heading onto his grandparents called me up all excited and wanted to meet on the town square for a few minutes to tell me something. He told me he had been doing what we told him and that one night he was praying and then sat and thought about it alot afterwards and then it just hit him that God exists and loves him, its experiences like that, that makes it amazing to be a missionary, I love this work and I love all of you guys thanks for all of the support you give me.
I got a little homework assignment for you this week, I have been reading through the talks from last conference and one of them stuck out to me and I recommend it to every one "finding joy in the journey" by President Monson. I hope everybody has a good week and that Jenni has a great birthday.
Elder Hatch
Another great week here in Brno has come and gone, yesterday was a really cool day. Kristina (commando girl) was there and I was sitting with her during fast and testimony meeting. As we were sitting there listenting to the testimonys she was really getting into it, during one of the testimonies she turned to me and was like are you understanding all of this? I was like umm not all of it since the guy was speaking fast and i was just trying to piece it together she was like its really important ill translate for you and commenced to tell me the story in english about how the man had a loved one who had died and that it brings peace and joy into his life to know that he will see them again but his sister who is an atheist was really struggling. Kristina was like that is so amazing and then she asked me if she could go up there and say something to everybody, i was a little taken a back and was like sure anybody can go up there and bare their testimony about the gospel. Haha she thought there was a signup list to go up there but i told her she could go up as soon as the person finished. She hopped on up their and talked about in her field of work she often has to deal with unpleasent experiences and she is very grateful for having found the gospel and being able to come to church and fill the peace there. She went on to talk about the commandments and how she knows they arent to keep us from having fun but to make us happier and then went on to say how grateful she is for the missionaries finding her. It was quite a pleasent surprise to hear all of that exspecially since we had a big concern about teaching her some of the commandments. Afterwards she told me that at one of the disco places where she works as a bouncer, the bouncer the night before had gotten stabbed and had to go to the hospital so she had to go in and take his place and then she had a knife pulled on her but she "took care of it" and had worked from midnight till 8 in the morning then had a friend take her and drop her off at church, thats what i call dedication.
We went out yesterday to our family the ptakovi and this time instead of a tromp through the snow it was a tromp through the mud but was well worth it. We had an awesome lesson with them, its only the 3rd family i have had the opportunity of teaching and its amazing how much stronger the spirit is present when teaching families, they definetly have all of their priorities in order and are searching for their answer right now. Adam is doing great and is gonna be baptized march 14th.
Another cool story, so one of our investigators that elder gagon and I found last transfer just got back in town after being gone for 3 weeks and was only in town for a few minutes before heading onto his grandparents called me up all excited and wanted to meet on the town square for a few minutes to tell me something. He told me he had been doing what we told him and that one night he was praying and then sat and thought about it alot afterwards and then it just hit him that God exists and loves him, its experiences like that, that makes it amazing to be a missionary, I love this work and I love all of you guys thanks for all of the support you give me.
I got a little homework assignment for you this week, I have been reading through the talks from last conference and one of them stuck out to me and I recommend it to every one "finding joy in the journey" by President Monson. I hope everybody has a good week and that Jenni has a great birthday.
Elder Hatch
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