Elder Anderson, Jvan and Elder Hatch at Jvan's Baptisim

So the Baptism was a success, it was an awesome experience for everybody involved. We spent alot of time with Jvan this week and he is a stud. We found out earlier this week when we were just sitting around talking that he is only 20, for some reason we had never asked him how old he is and we had just thought he was like 23 or 24 but he is only 20 and has mentioned he is excited to share the gospel with people so who knows he might be goin on a mission in a year which would be sweet.
Monday night we went with him to a members house for dinner and to plan out a program for the baptism with who he wants to give talks and songs it was a good time for him to see the members out of church and that they are normal people. Then friday night elder nowland and I made spaghetti at the church and we had dinner with him and the two other missionaries and we had a good time talking and getting everything ready for the next day. Saturday us 4 missionaries took a bus to prague and got everything set up, the members were meeting at the church and driving down to prague and Jvan went with them. The baptism was supposed to start at 1:30 but the members were stuck in traffic with the baptism and showed up at 2 so it was a late start but everything went well. The mission home has a font in the basement with a big room and the room was full with prague missionaries and all of their investigators, there were supposed to be 3 baptisms together but the other 2 didnt happen so it was just us. Jvan was a little nervous before hand but very excited, we had lukas our mission leader baptize him they have become good friends and are pretty close in age after the baptism Jvan was just beaming he was so happy it was great to see Elder Andersen was there and helped us out quite a bit which was good, our two recently returned missionaries gave some really good talks and everything turned out well.
After the baptism all the members went over to our branch president's house and had a get togethor while Elder Nowland and I tried to figure out a way to get home. Since Liberec is in the mountains there is no direct railways there so if you go by train it is like 3 hours or you can go by bus which is an hour. We didnt know when the baptism would be over so we bought open tickets and you can text in to reserve seats on the bus with them so after the baptism was over at like 3:15 we go to text in our tickets and we forgot on the weekends the buses only go every hour instead of every half hour like during the week so the 4, 5, and 6 o'clock buses were full so we had to wait around till 7 to get out of there but we were more than willing to since the baptism was a success. It is a pretty sweet deal to get to prague with the exchange rate is about 5 bucks each way so its not a big deal at all to travel there.
Jvan was confirmed and given the holy ghost yesterday in sacrament meeting and he was all smiles, the branch was already discussing in branch council what calling they could give him they are taking really good care of him being his friend. So now we get to work helping more people progress, we were supposed to go help a guy we met on the street last week with his garden this morning but it was raining pretty good so he called us up and cancled saying it wouldnt be good work in the rain so we might go play a game of risk at our apartment with the other elders, it is fun having a german with us, whenever we do something dumb or mess up something he is always good for the comment gosh i dont know how we could of lost a war to you guys so we have some good fun with that.
Everybody says the economy is doing pretty bad but the dollar is doing really good here, when i first came in the country 3 months ago a dollar bought you 15 crowns and now a dollar will buy you 20 crowns so all the missionaries are excited about that. That is pretty much all the news for this week everything is going good here im loving the mission and it seems like every week is getting quicker and quicker. I hope everybody has a good week.
Elder Hatch
Monday night we went with him to a members house for dinner and to plan out a program for the baptism with who he wants to give talks and songs it was a good time for him to see the members out of church and that they are normal people. Then friday night elder nowland and I made spaghetti at the church and we had dinner with him and the two other missionaries and we had a good time talking and getting everything ready for the next day. Saturday us 4 missionaries took a bus to prague and got everything set up, the members were meeting at the church and driving down to prague and Jvan went with them. The baptism was supposed to start at 1:30 but the members were stuck in traffic with the baptism and showed up at 2 so it was a late start but everything went well. The mission home has a font in the basement with a big room and the room was full with prague missionaries and all of their investigators, there were supposed to be 3 baptisms together but the other 2 didnt happen so it was just us. Jvan was a little nervous before hand but very excited, we had lukas our mission leader baptize him they have become good friends and are pretty close in age after the baptism Jvan was just beaming he was so happy it was great to see Elder Andersen was there and helped us out quite a bit which was good, our two recently returned missionaries gave some really good talks and everything turned out well.
After the baptism all the members went over to our branch president's house and had a get togethor while Elder Nowland and I tried to figure out a way to get home. Since Liberec is in the mountains there is no direct railways there so if you go by train it is like 3 hours or you can go by bus which is an hour. We didnt know when the baptism would be over so we bought open tickets and you can text in to reserve seats on the bus with them so after the baptism was over at like 3:15 we go to text in our tickets and we forgot on the weekends the buses only go every hour instead of every half hour like during the week so the 4, 5, and 6 o'clock buses were full so we had to wait around till 7 to get out of there but we were more than willing to since the baptism was a success. It is a pretty sweet deal to get to prague with the exchange rate is about 5 bucks each way so its not a big deal at all to travel there.
Jvan was confirmed and given the holy ghost yesterday in sacrament meeting and he was all smiles, the branch was already discussing in branch council what calling they could give him they are taking really good care of him being his friend. So now we get to work helping more people progress, we were supposed to go help a guy we met on the street last week with his garden this morning but it was raining pretty good so he called us up and cancled saying it wouldnt be good work in the rain so we might go play a game of risk at our apartment with the other elders, it is fun having a german with us, whenever we do something dumb or mess up something he is always good for the comment gosh i dont know how we could of lost a war to you guys so we have some good fun with that.
Everybody says the economy is doing pretty bad but the dollar is doing really good here, when i first came in the country 3 months ago a dollar bought you 15 crowns and now a dollar will buy you 20 crowns so all the missionaries are excited about that. That is pretty much all the news for this week everything is going good here im loving the mission and it seems like every week is getting quicker and quicker. I hope everybody has a good week.
Elder Hatch
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