Jordan had complete and submitted his paperwork for his mission in late January. We were all excited and anticipating the day of receiving his call. We had a fun time putting together a world map with family and friends submitting their guesses of where he would be called.
We had about 70 guesses ranging from Ancorage, Alaska to Austrailia with the majority being South America. Jordan called us the afternoon of February 7th saying he had received his call in the mail. Greg called me and I rounded up Ian and Alyssa while he went to the airport to get the plane ready. We all met up and had the wheels off the ground by about 3:45 that afternoon. Jordan had a physics class that he went to and did not hear a word the professor had to say he was so excited to open the envelope. We landed in Provo and met at Jordan's apartment about 6:00pm with Kamille Hutchinson, Nick Gould, Melissa and Spencer Hatch plus a couple of roommates all waiting for Jordan to open the envelope.

We were all so excited and I must admit very nervous with the anticipation of seeing where Jordan would be serving for the next two years. Jordan was shaking as he opened the envelope and as he read he got the biggest smile on his face as he announced that he would be serving in the Czech, Prague Mission. He reports on May 28, 2008. It was so much fun to be able to be there with Jordan and share this exciting time with him.

We were all so excited and I must admit very nervous with the anticipation of seeing where Jordan would be serving for the next two years. Jordan was shaking as he opened the envelope and as he read he got the biggest smile on his face as he announced that he would be serving in the Czech, Prague Mission. He reports on May 28, 2008. It was so much fun to be able to be there with Jordan and share this exciting time with him.
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